Our Story

It all started back in the fall of 2018 at Faith Camp West, hosted by Jesus for Asia. After hearing all the amazing testimonies and stories from all the missionaries, we felt God tugging at our hearts that we needed to serve him overseas. So that very weekend, we decided that we were going to go to Cambodia and help start up a boarding school.

Whenever one decides to serve the Lord full time, there will be many battles that you will have to face. And we were not exempt. Up until our launch in January 2020, we faced so many challenges, but we did not let them discourage us. We just knew that this was all the devil's work and that we were doing exactly what God wanted. After long months of preparation, we flew to Cambodia to begin our work!

Unfortunately, COVID began showing itself, so all the plans we had made previously were canceled or postponed. That was discouraging, but with God's help, we were able to mingle with the local Adventist youth and build relationships with them, which was a blessing.

In the summer of 2020, we had to come back to finish some things in the states. And while we were back, we became very discouraged and unsure if we should go back. It was very overwhelming. And then COVID restrictions in Cambodia became extremely strict and entering the country became expensive. So, we decided that if God wanted us to go back, he would have to make sure that we reached our goal of $20,000 to relaunch. In less than a month, we surpassed our goal, and it was then that we knew that God indeed wanted us back. So, on April 1, 2021, we headed back to Cambodia for the second time.

There are so many stories, but you can read about them in our blog post! God has truly been amazing and has shown himself faithful, especially during the challenging times. Thank you for taking the time to learn about our story!

With love,

Billy (Lloyd), Natalie, Danielle, & Alysa❤️